Category Archives: General


Completed my hike from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon to the North Rim and then back to the South Rim.…


The way it should have been becomes the way it always was becomes the only way in which you know it.

Uncommon usage: “I’ve retconned my life.”…

The Dragon Reformed

Pulled from an ancient and now-defunct web directory: “Fiction writer at University of Missouri, English Department. Focus on martial arts, Goju-Ryu specifically, as well as weight training, physical fitness, and nutrition as applied to karate. Bruce Lee image page.”

It may come as no surprise that I had one of the most popular Bruce Lee …

I have been a stranger in a strange land

All around me I see geekdom. But I recognize none of it.…

Boys of summer

My traveling companion is four years old. He is the child of my first marriage.…

This is the sea

More wave propulsion research.…

Immovable Feast

This is the first time in three years that I haven’t had to rent a truck and move all my belongings in the high heat of summer. I intend to enjoy it.…

The Long March

Winter’s knife.
Piles and piles of useless paper.
A supposedly funny book I’ll never teach again.…

Green Chili

Returning to Missouri for a visit, it was the small things I missed and appreciated the most.…

Fresh start

I quit my job as managing editor of The Missouri Review and moved to New York.  Upon arrival, I ran the Utica Boilermaker 15K (while still recovering from a cold) and finished in 7748th place.  A good start.…